Enhancing FRIDAY with Self-Learning for Excel Task Automation

In this tutorial, we will explore how FRIDAY’s self-learning feature enables it to autonomously learn and execute tasks involving Excel file manipulation, which were initially beyond its capability. We will specifically focus on a task from the SheetCopilot dataset and observe how FRIDAY evolves to complete it successfully using the openpyxl library.

Task Overview

You will undertake a specific task (task #9) from the SheetCopilot dataset, which involves manipulating an Excel file. The task is “Copy the ‘Product’ column from ‘Sheet1’ to a new sheet named ‘Sheet2’, and then sort the ‘Product’ column in ‘Sheet2’ in ascending order.”

Initial Attempt

  1. Running the Task:

    Execute the following command in your terminal to run task #9 from the SheetCopilot dataset:

    python examples/SheetCopilot/run_sheet_task.py --sheet_task_id 9

    The run_sheet_task.py script serves as the interface for FRIDAY to interact with tasks defined in the SheetCopilot dataset. Below is a brief explanation of the script’s content:

    • Module Imports and Configuration Setup:

      from oscopilot import FridayAgent
      from oscopilot import FridayExecutor, FridayPlanner, FridayRetriever, ToolManager
      from oscopilot.utils import setup_config, SheetTaskLoader
    • Loading Tasks:

      The script initializes the configuration and loads the task based on the provided task ID using SheetTaskLoader.

      args = setup_config()
      sheet_task_loader = SheetTaskLoader("examples/SheetCopilot/sheet_task.jsonl")
    • FRIDAY Agent Initialization:

      An agent is initialized with components such as the Planner, Retriever, Executor, and Tool Manager, configured with the loaded arguments.

      agent = FridayAgent(FridayPlanner, FridayRetriever, FridayExecutor, ToolManager, config=args)
    • Task Execution:

      If a specific task ID is provided, the script fetches and runs that task. Otherwise, it loads and executes each task in the dataset sequentially.

      if args.sheet_task_id:
          task = sheet_task_loader.get_data_by_task_id(args.sheet_task_id)
          task_lst = sheet_task_loader.load_sheet_task_dataset()
          for task_id, task in enumerate(task_lst):
          args.sheet_task_id = task_id

However, you’ll notice that FRIDAY is unable to complete the task due to lacking specific tools for Excel manipulation.

Introducing Self-Learning

  1. Enabling FRIDAY to Learn:

    To overcome this limitation, we introduce FRIDAY to a self-learning module that allows it to explore and learn from the openpyxl library, thereby acquiring new tools for Excel file operations.

    Run the self-learning command:

    python course_learning.py --software_name Excel --package_name openpyxl --demo_file_path working_dir/Invoices.xlsx

    This command directs FRIDAY to learn how to manipulate Excel files using the openpyxl library. Below is a brief overview of the course_learning.py script’s functionality:

    • Import Statements and Configuration Setup:

    from oscopilot import FridayAgent, FridayExecutor, FridayPlanner, FridayRetriever, SelfLearner, SelfLearning, ToolManager, TextExtractor
    from oscopilot.utils import setup_config
    • Initialization and Configuration Extraction:

    The script begins by setting up the configuration and extracting parameters for the software name, package name, and a demo file path.

    args = setup_config()
    software_name = args.software_name
    package_name = args.package_name
    demo_file_path = args.demo_file_path
    • FRIDAY Agent and Self-Learning Module Initialization:

    A FRIDAY agent is initialized with components such as the Planner, Retriever, Executor, and Tool Manager. The SelfLearning module is then initialized with the agent, allowing it to engage in self-learning activities.

    friday_agent = FridayAgent(FridayPlanner, FridayRetriever, FridayExecutor, ToolManager, config=args)
    self_learning = SelfLearning(friday_agent, SelfLearner, ToolManager, args, TextExtractor)
    • Self-Learning Process:

    The SelfLearning module embarks on exploring the openpyxl library, utilizing the provided demo file as a learning resource.

    self_learning.self_learning(software_name, package_name, demo_file_path)

Through this exploratory process, FRIDAY can learn various tools such as check_openpyxl_installed, read_excel_contents, filter_product_data, and export_filtered_data, among others.


The tools learned through self-learning have a degree of randomness.

Verifying the Learning Outcome

  1. Re-running the Task:

    After the self-learning process, rerun the initial task to verify the effectiveness of the self-learning module:

    python examples/SheetCopilot/run_sheet_task.py --sheet_task_id 9

    This time, FRIDAY will successfully complete the task, demonstrating the acquired ability to manipulate Excel files through the learned tools.


This tutorial showcased the innovative self-learning feature of FRIDAY, which enables it to autonomously expand its toolset and adapt to tasks it was initially unable to perform. By engaging in self-learning with the openpyxl library, FRIDAY demonstrated a significant improvement in handling Excel file operations, affirming the effectiveness and potential of self-learning in AI agents.

This process highlights FRIDAY’s capability to evolve and adapt, making it a powerful tool for automating a wide range of tasks, including complex file manipulations.