Deploying API Services

This tutorial guides you through deploying API services that FRIDAY can utilize to enhance its functionality. We provide several API tools, including audio2text, bing search, image search, web_loader, image_caption, and wolfram_alpha, all located within oscopilot/tool_repository/api_tools.

Configuring the Environment

  1. .env File Configuration:

    Your .env file contains essential configurations for the API services. The following variables must be set:

    • MODEL_NAME: Should already be set during the installation process. Example: "gpt-4-0125-preview".

    • OPENAI_API_KEY and OPENAI_ORGANIZATION: Also set during installation.

    • API_BASE_URL: The deployment address of the API service. For local deployment, use "".

    • BING_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY and BING_SEARCH_URL: Required for using bing search-related services. Example URL: "".

    • WOLFRAMALPHA_APP_ID: Necessary if you intend to use the wolfram_alpha tool.

    Fill these in accordingly based on the services you plan to use.

Configuring API Tools

  1. Selecting Required API Tools:

    In the oscopilot/tool_repository/manager/ file, you will configure which API tools FRIDAY will utilize. This is done by setting up the services and server_list variables.

    • The services dictionary includes all available API tools that FRIDAY can use. Each key represents the service name, and the value is the corresponding router object.

    • The server_list array specifies which of these services you wish to activate for the current deployment. This allows for flexible configuration depending on the needs of your specific environment or application.

    Here is how you can specify your configuration:

    services = {
        "bing": bing_router,  # bing_search, image_search, and web_loader
        "audio2text": audio2text_router,
        "image_caption": image_caption_router,
        "wolfram_alpha": wolfram_alpha_router
    server_list = ["bing"]

    In this example, we have included several services in the services dictionary, making them available for FRIDAY. However, by placing only “bing” in the server_list, we are specifically activating the Bing services for use, including bing_search, image_search and web_loader. This demonstrates how to selectively enable certain API tools based on your requirements.

Launching the API Server

  1. Starting the Service:

    To start the API service, run the following command:

    python oscopilot/tool_repository/manager/

    Successful startup messages will look like this:

    INFO:     Started server process [17709]
    INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
    INFO:     Application startup complete.
    INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
    Incoming request: GET
    Outgoing response: 200
    INFO: - "GET /tools/bing/searchv2 HTTP/1.1" 200 OK

Updating API Documentation

  1. Update the OpenAPI Documentation:

    After the service is running, navigate to http://localhost:8079/openapi.json in your web browser. This URL hosts the auto-generated OpenAPI documentation for your API services. (Remember to replace the IP address if your service is not deployed locally.)

    Here is an example of what the OpenAPI documentation might look like:

    Example of OpenAPI Documentation

    Copy the content displayed at this URL to the oscopilot/tool_repository/manager/openapi.json file in your project directory. This step ensures that FRIDAY’s API server has the latest documentation regarding the available API services.

Testing the API Tools

  1. Verifying Functionality:

    Test the deployed API tools by running a sample query with For example:

    python --query 'Search the information of OpenAI'

    If everything is configured correctly, FRIDAY should utilize the deployed API services to complete the task.


You have successfully deployed API services for FRIDAY, enhancing its capabilities with additional tools. By following these steps, you can integrate a wide range of functionalities into FRIDAY, making it an even more powerful assistant.